Estou fazendo um DVD cujo será composto por vídeos de diferentes shows (tanto na leg
americana, como européia, latina etc) tudo misturado, para vocês poderem
sentir o gostinho do melhor de cada show e claro da performance, em HD.
Tenho proucurado não colocar partes do vídeo que 'tremem' apenas partes
estáveis para ficar bem profissional, terá a mistura de figurinos e
cabelos sim, felizmente para os que gostam e infelizmente para os que
não gostam. Ainda estou trabalhando a ídeia de fazer a venda deste DVD.
Enfim, espero ter esclarecido! :)
I'm making a DVD which will consist of videos from different concerts (both American leg, as European, Latin, etc.) all mixed together so you can get a taste of the best of each show. I'm not puttin' in the DVD parts of the video that 'tremble' just stable parts to look professional it will have a mixture of costumes and hair fortunately for those who like and unfortunately for those who do not. I'm still working on the idea of making the sale of this DVD. Anyway, I hope to have clarified it to you guys.
Here some teasers:
Download the full performance of ''Hold it Against me'' below:
I'm making a DVD which will consist of videos from different concerts (both American leg, as European, Latin, etc.) all mixed together so you can get a taste of the best of each show. I'm not puttin' in the DVD parts of the video that 'tremble' just stable parts to look professional it will have a mixture of costumes and hair fortunately for those who like and unfortunately for those who do not. I'm still working on the idea of making the sale of this DVD. Anyway, I hope to have clarified it to you guys.
Here some teasers:
Download the full performance of ''Hold it Against me'' below:

More coming soon